Common Issues That May Require Asphalt Paving Repair In Meridianville, Al

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Asphalt is considered an extremely durable surface, and in fact, it is. It takes a huge deal of punishment from cars driving on it with the heat, exhaust, and fluids that they can subject the surface to. Asphalt may also get a great deal of foot traffic as well, and this constant stamping about can take its toll. There are also natural elements that can be destructive from extreme light and heat as well as cold temperatures, rain, ice and sometimes snow. All this can lead to damage and in these situations, professional asphalt paving repair in Meridianville AL may be necessary.
There are many ways that asphalt repair can be approached, and the types of repairs needed will largely be determined by the scope of the damage. The most common repair issue are potholes. Potholes are largely formed by asphalt contraction due to groundwater under the pavement. In areas where temperatures get below freezing the water can expand. When it warms up the water contracts, which can cause issues with the substrate materials used to support the asphalt.
In areas that don’t see many freezing temps, sunlight can heat up the asphalt allowing it to expand, and cooler temps will cause the asphalt to contract. This creates weaknesses in the asphalt, which will ultimately lead to potholes. Filling these holes with excess substrate materials and then with fresh asphalt typically solves pothole issues.
Cracks are quite common on paved surfaces and these cracks in themselves aren’t a cause for alarm. This is because asphalt will settle and with expansion and contraction, cracks are fairly common. However, these cracks can allow moisture into the asphalt and this can effectively undermine the stricture integrity of the asphalt surface over time. Many times, an asphalt crack sealer is used to seal the cracks and prevent moisture incursion.
While there are plenty of other issues involving asphalt paving repair in Meridianville AL, these two are perhaps the most common. If your paved surfaces are experiencing these or any other issues, an asphalt repair service may need to be called out. If you’d like to make contact with a repair service, or you’re simply looking to find out what these services have to offer, you can Contact us for more details.