Answering What Are The Benefits Included In Worker’s Compensation?

byAlma Abell
Initially, injured employees must fulfill the eligibility requirements for worker’s compensation benefits. The first type of benefits they receive is cash payments. However, to receive these benefits, their injury must last longer than seven days. When this is the case, they could receive cash benefits beginning on the initial day they were unable to work.
Calculating Cash Benefits
What are the benefits included in Worker’s Compensation? To answer this question, in terms of cash benefits, the insurer calculates this value based on the wages the worker would receive if they were able to work. Next, they arrive at a value based on the disability percentage assigned to their disability. For example, any workers that receive $400 in wages each week and are 100 percent disabled receive $266.67 weekly in cash benefits.
Next, the insurer must determine whether the worker is able to return to their original earning capacity. If the injury or illness stops them from acquiring the exact salary or wages as they did originally, the employee receives benefits to make up any difference up to two-thirds of this value.
Supplemental Cash Benefits
Supplemental cash benefits are also available to claimants who are completely disabled. They can receive up to $215 additional cash benefits through this program. These benefits are also an option for the spouse or children of any employee who died as a result of their injury or illness.
These beneficiaries are eligible to receive death benefits based on the wages earned by their loved one. If the employee didn’t have children and wasn’t married, their parents could acquire cash death and supplemental benefits. They could receive these benefits monthly or as a lump sum.
Injured employees filing a claim may ask, “What are the benefits included in Worker’s Compensation?” The answer is they could receive cash, supplemental, and medical benefits. The insurer must make an assessment based on their injuries, and the duration of time needed to recover from this occurrence. If the employee is disabled completely, they could be eligible for extended or life-long benefits. To learn more about these probabilities, you should contact Gilbert for further details.